California has protected borrowers from so-called "deficiency" liability on their home mortgages since the 1930s, but the evolution of mortgage finance requires that the statute be updated.
Current law says that if a homeowner defaults on a mortgage used to purchase his or her home, the homeowner's liability on the mortgage is limited to the property itself. The law has worked well since the 1930s to protect borrowers, ensure the quality of loan underwriting and allow borrowers who are brought down by financial crisis to get back on their feet.
Unfortunately, the 1930s law does not extend the protection for purchase money mortgages to loans that re-finance the original purchase debt -- even if the re-finance was only to gain a lower interest rate. Recent years of low interest rates have induced tens of thousands of homeowners to refinance their mortgages, yet almost no one realized that by re-financing their mortgage to obtain a lower rate, they were forfeiting their protections. These borrowers became personally liable for the balance of the loan.
One can’t help but think, “When is enough, enough?” Banks have already foreclosed upon a family’s home and now lenders can continue to hound them for additional payment. How much more money can today’s families afford to pay when they’ve already lost their homes and most likely their jobs? Are they never to have the opportunity to begin again?
California Association of Realtors is sponsoring SB 1178 (Corbett) to extend anti-deficiency protections to homeowners who have refinanced “purchase money” loans and are now facing foreclosure. Most homeowners didn't know that when they refinanced they lost their legal protections, and now may be personally liable for the difference between the value of the foreclosed property and the amount owed to the lender. SB 1178 will be voted on soon by the entire Senate.
Action Items
Call Your Senator Today! Urge him or her to vote “Yes” on SB 1178.
Call 1-800-672-3135
Please see below for the PIN number to use for your state Senator:
East County & Temecula - Senator Hollingsworth 196519886
Carlsbad - Senator Wyland 205502883
San Diego - Senator Kehoe 177008152
Chula Vista - Senator Ducheny 187003870
(If your Senator isn't listed, that is because he/she is not involved in this vote.)
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